[Kula Cloth] 庫拉布 - Arctic Pine | 18g

NT$ 780
[Kula Cloth] 庫拉布 - Arctic Pine | 18g
[Kula Cloth] 庫拉布 - Arctic Pine | 18g











[重量] 18克

[尺寸] 14 x 14公分

[材質] 竹纖維、棉、有機棉、聚酯纖維

[產地] 美國

[清潔] 請使用無柔軟劑、漂白劑成份之洗劑,機洗、手洗皆可,但考慮使用壽命下,建議採用手洗

Layers of mist

Rising up through the trees

Is this world even real?

Sometimes it's hard to believe

Sit quiet and listen

To the sounds all around

When you venture out there

It is you who is found.