[Kula Cloth] 庫拉布 - Pride Peaks | 18g

Artist Series 藝術家合作系列

此款式的部分收益將捐贈給 The Venture Out Project,該組織為酷兒和變性人社區領導背包旅行和荒野旅行。

by Emery Allard Smith


NT$ 780
[Kula Cloth] 庫拉布 - Pride Peaks | 18g
[Kula Cloth] 庫拉布 - Pride Peaks | 18g











[重量] 18克

[尺寸] 14 x 14公分

[材質] 竹纖維、棉、有機棉、聚酯纖維

[產地] 美國

[清潔] 請使用無柔軟劑、漂白劑成份之洗劑,機洗、手洗皆可,但考慮使用壽命下,建議採用手洗

Look around and you'll see

The diversity of trees

Animals and plants

rocks, clouds and leaves

Not one is the same

Even in the sky above

We're each a part of it all

And love is always love.